When creating an opportunity, you are requested to select which activities the volunteers will be doing. This serves 2 purposes:
- It acts as a method to force providers to better describe their opportunities in more detail.
- It can be used to group opportunities for reporting purposes (eg. How many hours have been logged on opportunities which have a COACHING activity tag)
Cleaning Activity Tags
Although TeamKinetic suggests ACTIVITY TAGS as soon as you start typing, users often describe activities in slightly different ways or often with typos (eg. coaching AND caoching AND Coach). Every now and then it is a good idea to group these activities together, this will help when creating opportunities and also it is essential to do before you run any activity related reports.
To cleanse your activity tags follow the steps below:
2) Select which tag you want to edit from the drop down.
3) Either EDIT the activity name OR replace it with another existing activity tag.