Below is a list of system users and a brief outline of the functionality available to them:
Volunteer: Someone who wishes to enrol on a volunteer opportunity.
TeamLeader: A volunteer who has the ability to mark whether other volunteers on their opportunity have attended.
Provider: A system user who can:
- create opportunities
- create provider profile page
- Log Hours
- Create Events
- Access Reports specific to their volunteers and opportunities
- Create Volunteer Groups
- Manage and email their volunteer cohort
Their volunteer cohort consists of volunteers who:
- have joined one of their opportunities
- have been linked to them by the administrator
- have registered via the ‘providers profile page’.
Admin: A system user who can:
- Impersonate and do anything a provider or volunteer can do
- Create opportunities on behalf of a provider
- Log hours on behalf of a provider
- Create Events
- Access the full reporting library
- Create volunteer groups
- Manage and email all volunteers
- Add News & Courses
- Create TeamLeaders
Super Admin: A system user who can do everything that a normal admin can do plus:
- Configure the site settings
- Create Reference forms
- Change the look and feel of the site
- Change Categories
- Add system messages (which appear on other users dashboards)
- Change/Add other administrators