
If you would like to customise your site further you can add additional information into the body and footer of your homepage, but be aware that future changes to the body section will incur a charge, so make sure that you only use generic information about your service, and don’t include information that will become redundant. For example do not include future events, this information should be added to the slider at the top which can be changed by the administrator once the event has passed.


Homepage Layour Diagram

The Body

The body of your homepage can contain any of the following:

  • Images
  • YouTube Videos
  • Text
  • Logged Hours Count
  • Volunteer Count

The Footer

You can update the footer (A,B,C and D) at any time via your menu by going to CONTENT > FOOTER. The footer is visible at the bottom of every webpage that volunteers see.

Sections A and D can include either text or images. Sections B and C can contain text, images, latest opportunities or any of the following social media feeds:

  • Twitter
  • WordPress / RSS Feeds (from other webpages)

Note: You do not have to use all 4 sections, many users do not use sections A and D, and prefer to just list their social media feeds in the footer.

Customising the Body of your Homepage

Some customers prefer a cleaner and simpler look and do not include anything in the body of their homepage, but others prefer to show additional information about their volunteer service.

If you want to add information to the body of your homepage, it is recommended that you first draw out a rough plan illustrating what text, images, YouTube videos or other information it is going to contain, and where on the page each element is going to be situated.

Once you have defined the basic framework and you know what you want to include, then you need to design it on a PowerPoint slide and submit it via emailto your implementation consultant or

Remember to attach any relative (high quality) image files or YouTube links that you want to appear within the PowerPoint slide, and also include any notes regarding links to other web pages.


Customising the Footer of your Homepage

You need to be setup on the system and logged in as the administrator to change or update the footer. You can utilise all or none of the four footer sections (A, B, C and D) as you desire. But social media feeds can only be assigned to sections B and C.

Note: If you want to link to WordPress or Twitter then you must first link your system to the social media site by going to SETTINGS > SOCIAL NETWORKS

Once you have decided what you want to appear in the footer then go to CONTENT > EDIT FOOTER from the menu, and complete the template and click SAVE (screenshot below).


What Do I need to Submit

Once you have decided how you want to customise your front page, please send a single email to your implementation consultant or info@smarterindesign with the following two pieces of information:


Example Homepages of Existing Clients


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