You can access your organisations profile page by going to [SUPER ADMIN MENU] SETTINGS > PROFILE
The profile information includes your organisations basic details including the following information:
Update Logo
Check that your logo is of good quality and it has been uploaded to the system.
Your Email Address
This is the email address that will appear on the ABOUT US page and will be visible to all users of your system.
Forward All Site Emails To
Any emails that the admin sends will appear to come from this email address, and if the volunteers reply this is the email address they will be sent to. This is normally set to the administrators email address.
Text Response Number
This is normally set to a shortened version of your organisation (example: if your organisation is called ALL VOLUNTEERS you might set your text response number to ALL VOLS).
This is the name or number that any SMS text messages will appear to come from when sent from the system.
Default Text Suffix
This field allows you to add a piece of set text to the end of every SMS Text message here.
Email Signature/Footer
This field allows you to add a set piece of text to the bottom of every email sent from the administrator.