The [SUPER ADMIN MENU] SETTINGS > OPTIONS screen allows you to configure the various areas of the system to suite your organisation.

Automation Settings

This section defines when a provider, volunteer or opportunity is active on the system.  For example from here you can specify if a volunteer who registers can join opportunities straight away, or if they have to be checked by the administrator first.

In this section you can also define whether feedback has to be checked first by the administrator before it is visible to users.  It is wise to note that only positive (thumbs up) feedback gets added to the feedback listing, negative feedback is always emailed to the administrator so they can deal with the feedback in a more sensitive manner.

General Settings

There is a range of different options in this section covering many things including:

  • Collect Ethnicity Data – You can set whether the system asks new volunteers ‘What is your ethnicity?’.
  • Use DBS Filter – When creating an opportunity the provider is asked whether the volunteer requires a DBS.  This option changes whether or not the question appears when a provider creates an opportunity.

Note: An external organisation can not use a DBS which has been setup by yourself, for this reason if you have any external providers then you should always set the DBS REQUIRED option to NO.

  • Allow Volunteer Image Upload – This defines if volunteers can upload their images to the system themselves, or whether it can only be done by the administrator.
  • Registration Verification Age – Use the option to set the minimum age a volunteer can register without authorisation from their parents.  If this is set to 16 years old, and a 15 year old volunteer registers it will ask them to enter their parents email address.  The parent of the volunteer will receive an email and the volunteer will not be active on the system until their parent has clicked on the link within the email to say that they are happy for their child to be involved with your volunteer service.

Text Engine Settings

Use this section to automatically send SMS text messages to volunteers in specific scenarios (eg. the day before they have a session OR when the volunteer registers).

Achievement Badge Levels

When volunteers login they can see a badge in the corner of their screen, this badge changes the more hours that they log.

This section is used to define how many hours they need to log to attain each badge level, the name of each level, you can also customise the badge images if required by raising a support ticket.



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