There are a number of reasons why you may want to adjust the amount of HourTrades that a volunteer has, for example a volunteer might have helped you out of a tight spot and you want to reward them. You can adjust the number of HourTrades a volunteer has by following the steps below:
1. Goto VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > FIND VOLUNTEERS and find the volunteer and click on the volunteer details button .
2. Within the ‘Logged Hours’ section, enter a number into the GIFTED HOURS box.
3. Click on the ADD HOURS button to gift additional HourTrades, or click on the REMOVE HOURS button to remove TradeHours from the volunteer.
Note: It will only adjust the number of HourTrades which effects the HourTrade vouchers the volunteer can obtain. It will not change the number of actual number of volunteer hours, so the administrator, provider or volunteer will not see any difference on KPI reports or any other area of the system which shows volunteer hours.