Important Note: Induction functions are aimed at inducting volunteers onto your volunteer programme (not individual opportunities).

To book a volunteer on an induction you must go to the [ADMIN MENU] VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > FIND VOLUNTEERS page, search for your volunteer and click on the BOOK INDUCTION icon next to their name.

You can keep track of your inductions on the [ADMIN MENU] VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > INDUCTIONS page.

To start the induction process go to [ADMIN MENU] VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > INDUCTIONS and click on the green arrow icon next to the volunteer, then follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the TOGGLE VOLUNTEER PROFILE button
  2. Check their personal details (entered during the registration) to make sure they are up to date.

If they are completing a DBS:

  1. Click on the TOGGLE DBS DETAILS button
  2. Enter the ‘DBS Application Reference’ number, which can be found on the paper based application form.
  3. Enter the DBS application date (usually todays date)
  4. Select whether or not the correct ID was provided and list the types of ID that have been provided by the volunteer.
  5. Click on the UPDATE DBS PROFILE button.
  6. In the ‘DBS and Identification Uploads’ section click on the BROWSE button and select your first piece of scanned ID to upload.
  7. Enter the name of the type of document (eg. Driving license, utility bill) then click on the UPDATE button.

Note For UK Users: The required ID is defined on the UK Governments DBS website: (seach for DBS requirements)

8.    Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all relevant identification documents have been loaded onto the system. These documents will be automatically deleted from the system after 6 months in line with DBS regulations.

Induction Details

Complete the remaining induction details into the system, including identifying any qualifications they may be interested in completing (this list originates from your list of courses recorded in the system), volunteers availability, employment status and previous experience. At this point you can also assign the volunteer to a number of groups and categories. Volunteer Groups allow you to define groups and assign volunteers to them, making it possible to action members of those groups as well as see reports and statistics describing your groups. It is also possible to limit opportunities to members of certain groups.

Finally click the SAVE INDUCTION  button. The volunteer is now inducted and will be eligible to attend opportunities which require an induction.