This screen allows you to see the geographical spread of volunteers and opportunities.  This allows you to identify areas where there is a shortage of volunteer opportunities, or areas where there is too many opportunities and too few volunteers.  You can use this information to target volunteer drives or contact organisations to see if they require volunteers.

The map always opens centred on the address of your organisation (This is taken from the postcode in the SETTINGS > PROFILE page).  To view the location of the volunteers or placements you must follow the steps below:

2.   Click on the buttons on the bottom of the screen to either view ‘Active Opportunities and Volunteers’ or ‘All Opportunities and Volunteers’.

The relevant volunteers or providers will appear on the screen as icons.  You can click on the icons for more information. If you click on the Opportunities icon you can search for volunteers who have joined that opportunity to see the geographical distribution.

If you want to clear the screen of icons you can click on the CLEAR buttons at the bottom right of the screen.

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