Web Analytics
You can see how many hits your site has had within various time frames. This is useful to see the impact of a particular volunteer drive. It is also helpful to identify if your advertising techniques are really driving traffic to your site.
KPI’s Percentage of Total
This is a list of common KPI’s which have been requested by various organisations. It tells you exactly what percentage of the total volunteers falls into 9 key categories.
Ethnic Groupings
This graph shows a breakdown of every registered volunteer (active and non-active) by their ethnic origin.
Volunteer Age Distribution
Shows a breakdown of volunteers by age groups.
Volunteer Groups
Shows the breakdown of volunteers by groups.
Note: Volunteers can be grouped within the VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > FIND VOLUNTEERS page (see FIND VOLUNTEERS)
Opportunity Numbers
Shows the number of opportunities that have been cleared, suspended and removed.
Provider Logged Hours by Opportunity Type
When a opportunity is created it is assigned to one of the following categories by the provider: Clubs, Community, Education and Events. This graph shows the number of volunteer hours which have been completed across the 4 categories (Clubs, Events, Community and Education).
Opportunity Categories
This graph shows the breakdown of all opportunities past and present by activity type (eg. Ball sports, racket sports etc).
Provider Logged Hours by Opportunity Category
Shows the number of volunteer hours which have been completed on within each of the opportunity activity categories.
Volunteer Registrations
A monthly analysis of the number of volunteers who have registered on the system.
Unique Active Volunteers
A monthly analysis of the number of volunteers who have actively been on at least one opportunity each month.
Available Opportunity Sessions
A monthly analysis of the number of sessions available for volunteers to apply for.