Providers can customise their own profile page allowing them to add a logo, cover image and description.  When a volunteer searches for opportunities the providers name is always displayed next to the opportunity name, if a volunteer clicks on the providers name then they are taken to the providers profile page.  Prividers can also point volunteers directly to their profile page, but the user will have to register before they can join any of the providers opportunities (which are visible at the bottom of the page).

Setting Up A Provider Profile Page

  1. If you are logged in as administrator you will first have to impersonate the provider.
  2. Then goto PROFILE > YOUR PUBLIC PROFILE from the upper menu.
  3. Click on UPLOAD PROFILE IMAGE button, and select the image you want to be displayed across the full width of the page (Note: make sure the image is approximately the right shape to fit the profile image frame)
  4. Click on the UPLOAD LOGO IMAGE button, and select the logo you would like to be displayed in the corner of your profile image.
  5. Enter the web address you would like to use for the provider profile page.
  6. Enter the description of the provider into the YOUR PROFILE TEXT box.
  7. Once you are finished you can click on the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom.

You can see what the public profile page looks like by selecting the PREVIEW YOUR PROFILE button at the top of the page.

Who Can See The Provider Profile Page?

The providers public profile page is visible by everyone even if they are not registered on the system, but obviously the volunteer would have to register before they can join any of the opportunities.

If the provider wanted to promote only their own opportunities they can direct volunteers to this page (the web address you defined in step 5) where they can view and join opportunities, but as mentioned before they would have to register on your system first.



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